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This guy gets it!
Letter by Matthias Dapfner

Letter from Mathias Dapfner puts the London bombing in perspective.

Islam - Religion of Peace

A collection of pictures I call Islam - Religion of Peace may help us understand these people.

This Judge is awesome!
Ruling by Judge William Young

U.S. District Court Judge William Young made the following statement in sentencing "shoe bomber" Richard Reid to prison. It is noteworthy, and deserves to be remembered far longer than he predicts. I commend it to you and to anyone you might wish to forward it to.

Kerry is a poor choice
John Kerry has supported appeasement policies for North Korea and he has flip-flopped on all sorts of crucial policy issues.

CBS Anchor Dan Rather and the Kerry campaign have produced forged documents to further the Michael Moore agenda of lies and propaganda.

Oliver Stone supports dictatorship
Despite stifling oppression in Cuba, no freedom of speech, no economic freedom, no religious freedom and a system based entirely on fear. Oliver Stone embraces Fidel Castro as a leader loved by his people. Clearly Stone couldn't find his butt with both hands and a roadmap.Castro and Stone

Zell Miller - An American Hero
Here is the transcript of Zell Miller's speech to the Republican National Committee Convention. This speech is getting blasted by liberal media for exposing their weaknesses.

The Iraqi WMD yellowcake secret!
The Woodward book

Bob Woodward blows the doors off the WMD information regarding Iraq. His recent book shows that much of the media information is false.